It's been a week and a half since my last chemo... that last one really knocked me on my @(#. Maybe it's because I'm fighting a dang cold too. (Well, I say allergies, DH says cold; wait I just read that a cough could be a side effect, so maybe it's just that - the doc didn't seem too alarmed) But geeze, I just want to sleep. Eating is a chore, and everything smells terrible. Luckily, I never got the mouth sores that were possible, however, I did get sores in my nose (no more nose pickin' for a while). I wonder what my digestive tract looks like... eek gads!
Now that I'm done with a portion of the treatment, here's a rundown of the symptoms I experienced the past few months: nose sores, food aversions, waves of nausea, constipation, headaches, dizzyness, gas (oops, sorry), horribly dry mouth, cough, depression (to some point), dry eyes, fatique, hair loss (I can't believe I almost forgot that one), heartburn, low blood counts, dry skin, and taste changes. And DH would probably say (or yell) irritability.
This being breast cancer awareness month, there's a lot of articles out there on the topic. The one that really interests me is the new drug they have coming out that could replace chemo for breast and lung cancer patients in that it targets the tumor and chemo would not be necessary. wow, wouldn't that be nice. No more poison in the Slash, Poison and Burn equation!
Posted by sue
at 9:54 AM PDT