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Sue's Sewing and Happenings
Friday, October 28, 2005
Truck, Bus, Train? Didn't see it, but felt it.
Topic: October 2005
Feels like I was run over by a bus. Every bone and joint in my body aches. I suppose this is how I'd feel if I climbed Mt. Whitney (in one day), except I'd have the endorphines and the excitement of something grand! All I've done is lounge around on the couch at home, and sit at my desk at work. My brain doesn't even want to think. People have suggested marijuana as something to alleviate the symptoms, but seems it would just add to the clouded head, cotton mouth, and dazed look. But maybe it would balance the chemicals in my body and bring me back to normal. It's a thought.

Posted by sue at 11:31 AM PDT
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Blah, Blah, Blah
Topic: October 2005
Not much new to report; same crap, different tune, or is that same tune different crap. My fingers feel like they are fumbeling and they tingle. This is one of the side effects. This is probably why Melissa Etheridge didn't go through with this course of treatment, it affected her guitar playing and maybe her career. Well, at least now I have something to blame my typos on....

But it is only temporary, so I don't care. I'm tired, and feel like I was run over by a steam roller, but I can eat and only need a few Tums to alleviate the indigestion. All in all, the Taxotere is much more tolerable then the Adriamycin and Cytoxan. I was so done with that, and glad I am.

Today my sister is meeting with a tile guy and a door guy, getting estimates for me. She's been a huge help with this unexpected remodel. Only 1 more week til the painter comes and then 3 more weeks until most of my things are moved back in....
I'll have my computer back, and photo editing software and be able to post photos, etc. to share.

I'm not feeling inspiring or humerous today, just tired, so c-ya

Posted by sue at 8:50 AM PDT
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Topic: October 2005
Well, the "new" chemo seems to be better then the last batch of poison. A few tums and the indigestion is gone. However, I'm tired; maybe that's because the steriods have worn off.

The change of time this weekend will give me that extra hour of sleep I seem to look for in the mornings.

I had a spurt of energy yesterday and hauled out the shop vac and vacuumed the upstairs - all that saw dust, ash, soot, and smoke webs. I can't wait until it's done, it will look so nice. I even sewed a little last weekend. I put a binding on a quilt that I made and will put in the new guest room. Ah, the sound of the machine humming through fabric.

Posted by sue at 2:02 PM PDT
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
3 more to go.........
Yesterday was the day for the "new" chemo - Taxofer. This one, so far, hasn't beaten me up so bad. I don't have to take nausea meds for the next 2 days (although it is in my purse, just in case), so that may alleviate the constipation (eek, too much information?) and my stomach doesn't feel as bad as with the other... you know that guy, the Red Devil.

The only bummer about this new chemo is that it takes longer to infuse -- 3 hours, plus 2 hours for all the "preventive" meds (zofran, benedryl, and steriods). So, I'm in that dang chair for 5+ hours... boring. But I don't get a tranquilzer with this drug, so I may be able to do some crocheting.

This is also the treatment that includes the steriods where doc said that it will keep me awake, make me hungry, and maybe a little "wild". Well, sorry to report, no wild, late nite eating frenzies at HomeTown Buffet or Jack in the Box. I slept well the first nite, and last nite I was up at 3AM but that was probably because I was "resting" in that chemo chair yesterday for 5 hours. I took the last of the steriods this morning, so maybe I'll "crash" tomorrow when all this wears off.

There's the scoop, not too whiney, and I'm over the hump, 5 down, 3 to go....

Posted by sue at 9:26 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:27 AM PDT
Monday, October 24, 2005
2 year, 5 year, 7 year, 15+ year??
I can't help but think, what number will I be... a 5 year survivor, 25 year survivor, 50 year survivor? I hate to talk about it or think about it, but the thought is always there. Seems when you hear "cancer survivor", there is always a number attached... years survived from this devastating disease. I think about it a lot, but never mention it. I can only hope it will be 40+ years. Maybe I think about it more because I've had thyroid cancer; that was 8 years ago. So, I'm an 8 year thyroid cancer survivor, and a 4 month breast cancer survivor. Because of the thyroid cancer I am glad I did the chemo route this time. It helps alleviate my fear that there are any more cells lurking in my body, hoping to set up camp a few years down the road.

I was watching a very interesting story this weekend on the Discovery Health Channel, Janice's Journey . It wasn't a very sad or whiney documentary, just very factual and I found it very interesting. Albeit, I didn't start watching from the beginning, but where she was starting her radiation and will make a point to watch it again, next sunday so I can get her story from the beginning. It has a happy ending. She's a 10+ year survivor.

Posted by sue at 10:06 AM PDT

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