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Sue's Sewing and Happenings
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Unh, oh, wondering again
Topic: September 2005
I was wondering again, boy, that always gets me thinking to much. At what point in the treatment, procedure, or whatever, do you become a "survivor"? Um... I do feel I am a survivor although I am still technically a "patient". I got a cute pink baseball cap that says "Breast Cancer Survivor". It got me thinking/wondering, can I wear it now, would it be like saying you're a "winner" before your ticket number is called. Whatever... it doesn't really matter, it's a cute hat and I'm gonna wear it. I think too much.

Oh, today during my blood draw, a guy in the chair next to me says "you're lucky", and I was like.. unh? He said "you're lucky you look good with no hair". Oh... ok. He has been under care for the past 8 years for leukemia. So we chatted a bit, but then he got all political and I tuned out.

Oh, and those poor, poor people in the south and the devastation from Katrina... wow! I'm going to shut up about my measly little fire!

Hey, this morning on the radio I heard the Stones "Jumpin' Jack Flash" and I recalled that that was the first song I danced to with..... a boy! 8th grade, junior high dance. that's a weird song .... "But it's all right now, I'm Jumpin' Jack Flash
It's a gas! Gas! Gas!
Jumpin' Jack Flash, it's a gas"

Speaking of gas, I think I need to go and get a scooter!

Posted by sue at 1:40 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, September 1, 2005 1:41 PM PDT

Thursday, September 1, 2005 - 3:34 PM PDT

Name: Penny

Susan: From the day of diagnosis you ARE A CANCER SURVIVOR! It matters not if that is one day, one year, one month, or forever...you are a cancer survivor. Again, I must say that your spirit and courage run so deep...must be the combination of Bohemian and Polish blood coursing through your veins. Take good care and God bless. Penny

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