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Sue's Sewing and Happenings
Thursday, September 8, 2005
MIA - Aunt Flo
So, this is the first time since puberty that Aunt Flo has not shown up on her monthly visit. I was told she might skip town during the chemo, but didn't thing she'd bail out so quickly. Boy, what a useless visitor she has been anyway, so I suppose it's about time that freeloader checked out.
Now, that I mentioned her name however, she'll probably show up on my doorstep tomorrow with a huge suitcase. um.....

I also got a itchy rash on my chest and upper back. I think it's from the chemo because I had it about 10 days after last treatment too, although i couldn't find anything specific about it when I googled. I'll have to check with the doc when I go next Monday. Other then that, i'm doing good. The next infusion is Monday... so next week should be predictable. Tired, cranky, waves of nausea, and heartburn.

The fire cleanup is going slooooooooooooowly. [FEMA must be in charge] Yesterday they scraped the popcorn off the ceilings. Abestos abatement for $5,000 -- what a rip! I'm trying to find out the next step, but you know those contractors, can't pin them down... so I keep nagging; but I'm about ready to find a new one. but, in the end, I am grateful not to be in the South, having lost everything. Can't even imagine what that would be like.

well, if you don't hear from me for the next few days, don't panic. I am taking tomorrow off... going to the Fair to see if I won any ribbons on my sewing items; then heading out of town with my sister. And besides, no computer at home -- it's packed up until the clean up is done.

Posted by sue at 10:21 AM PDT

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