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Sue's Sewing and Happenings
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sure as @*($ don't make 'em like the used to

So, I was stitching along on my recently repaired $7K sewing machine and clunk, crack, bang, it broke  AGAIN. - the bobbin assembly case.   The machine spends half its time in the shop getting fixed!  And what really irritates me is the solution is "maybe it's time to upgrade!".... Yea, I want to spend $9K to upgrade a $7K machine that I've only had about 5 years (don't get me started on that!).   

After contemplating tossing it out the second story window and imagining the great pleasure I would have watching it shatter into a zillion little pieces as it hit the ground, I packed it up and put it in my car for ANOTHER lunch hour trip to the dealer!  

In the meantime, I took out my trusty featherweight  and finished my project.    This featherweight is at leat 50 years old, and stitches like a dream!  A little oil every so often, a new needle, and some times a bulb, and it's as good as new.    If this machine did a zig zag, I'd be in heaven.  I have a buttonholer that does way better buttonholes than my top of the line piece of crap..... 

As for the project I finished, it didn't turn out so well......   I'll post THAT tomorrow... 


Posted by sue at 10:31 AM PDT
Friday, August 22, 2008
Weekend Projects

I cut out a few things last night to work on this weekend.  I received my box of sale fabrics from www.cjpatterns.com..... it's like Christmas in August when I get boxes of fabric!  (How many of you track your packages online until it arrives at your door?)   The box had a soft and drapey honycomb knit that I will use to make a wrap http://www.silhouettepatterns.com/085.htm and a nice teal rayon knit for a tee http://www.hotpatternsstore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=HP&Product_Code=wk_st&Category_Code=to and lots of black cotton and rayon knits for more tees that i will use with some fun trims.  

I got some work I need to do in my yard this weekend.... my wild flowers are done and I need to replace them, and I have a tree trunk that I need to dig out and replace with a cactus. 

Here's a photo of DH, looking all official..... 



Posted by sue at 11:22 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, August 22, 2008 11:33 AM PDT
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My 30 year high school reunion is this October....Has it really been that long?  Is there really anyone I want to see that I haven't? Do I need to lose weight, get in shape, fix something?  Shall I make something to wear?  Shall I torture DH and drag him along?  Why are they always so expensive? Dang



Posted by sue at 11:54 AM PDT
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I have to interrupt this entry to include a link to a YouTube video I just saw re foldover elastic.... watch it, it's good


I've been so busy these last few months with ASG stuff.  The American Sewing Guild, which is nationwide non-profit, educational organziation and has over 22,000 members.  They recently started a Los Angeles Chapter.... Guess what, I volunteered to be VP.   Since March we have grown to 160 members in our Chapter and had our kick off event with Peggy Sagers in June.  Next month is our second event is with Bobbi Bullard. 

I have also started a neighborhood group and we are now 10+ sewing ladies strong.   We have been meeting 1x per month and each time the group grows and the previous attendees come back I am so happy.... it's like Sally Fields in the "you like me" speech she did when she won the Oscar. 

The Los Angeles County Fair is next month and I have secured a booth at the Fair to help promote the ASG.  16 ladies have volunteered to help me.   I want to grow our Chapter to 500+ members by next March - I'm the little train that could.... I think I can, I think I can...  If you sew, why not be a member, there are so many benefits that it is well worth the $40 membership fee.... just the discount at Joann's will cover the fee in no time.  Most sewing shops give an ASG discount!   www.asg.org

The other part I've been working on is programing for the next year... and I've got that pretty much set.... now to find locations for the programs!   It's all coming together!  

Posted by sue at 11:10 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 3:49 PM PDT
Sunday, August 17, 2008

I made a second bra and want to recommend that if you sew, you tackle this project.  It is well worth it.  A nice fitting bra!  And it's not difficult at all. 

here's my supplies, pattern, fabric, instruction book, elastic

it went together in about 2 hours, but I was watching a movie.  I can't wait to make more and just think of all the options and fabric choices....  






here's the 2 sides, inside and outside with wire.  the band is made from a power knit, the cups are a knit satin and tricot.







here it is sewn without the straps.  I used plush elastic for the top and bottom.  The straps will be out of interfaced tricot.  There is a 1-2" piece of elastic at the base of the strap in the back for movement, otherwise, the straps go on and are fitted.  There is not need for adjusting hardware. 






and the finished project.  






I still had another movie to watch, and so I decided to tackle a knitting needle case I promised a friend at least 8 months ago!  She purchased one of my purses and wanted a case to go with it.

I was stalling making it because I don't knit and didnt' want to figure out all the math and sizing, but then I saw a pattern so I purchased the book "Quick Gifts Bullard Style" from www.bullarddesigns.com.  It went together really nicely and now I can't wait to give it to her.  She does pottery and has made me some fun pieces and does beautiful work.  This is her site http://www.MelsPottery.etsy.com 

and here's the needle case.  





Posted by sue at 3:49 PM PDT

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